#AtlantideOvunque: Statement of Solidarity for the Evicted Trans*-Feminist-Queer-Punk Space | PLEASE SIGN IN THE COMMENTS | + Version FRANÇAISE + Versione ITALIANA

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On October 9th, 2015, Atlantide–one of the very few remaining autonomous and self-managed (autogestito) social spaces in Italy–was forcibly evicted from Porta Santo Stefano, its home of 17 years. Atlantide inhabited one of the historic gates to the medieval city of Bologna, which is home to the oldest university in the so-called Western World.

Altantide was certainly the oldest trans*-feminist-queer and punk space of its kind. It was the last such space in the central city of Bologna, which was once filled with self-managed social spaces. The city is increasingly filled with empty spaces and failed state and private projects.

Atlantide takes its name from the mythical lost city of Atlantis. Today, it is clear that some want us to drown. Instead, with your solidarity, they will make us overflow. Our campaign of resistance to both this specific act of repression and the general atmosphere that supports it is shorthanded as #AtlantideOvunque: Atlantide Everywhere.

We are asking academics, researchers, and queer knowledge producers in Italy and around the world to support Atlantide in our search for a new home by signing this statement of solidarity in the comments section below. In addition to the required fields of name and e-mail, please write your name, affiliation (if any), and any additional comments or reflections in the “commento” box!

You might also take a photo of yourself, your department, your reading group etc. with a sign reading #AtlantideOvunque.  (Even better in front of an abandoned or gentrified building or queer spot in your city or town!) You can post these photos on our Facebook page, Atlantide R-esiste. You can also share this statement and ask peers, friends, and colleagues to sign!

You will find another petition for Atlantide–”The Butterfly Effect”–here. (In Italian only). For other statements of solidarity or questions please write atlantideresiste [at] gmail [dot] com


Since 1998, the different collectives of Atlantide have produced an enormous variety knowledge, culture, art, and political practices. All of this remains–and will remain–utterly uncommodified and non-institutionalized. This work has been and is being produced by the very people who require it to survive and to thrive. 

As anyone working in the contemporary neoliberal university knows all too well, creating and maintaining spaces for the production of radical knowledges and political practices continuously risks normalization and appropriation. Atlantide has powerfully resisted both for 17 years.

In many countries–perhaps especially the UK, US, Canada, and Australia–grassroots activist movements have been institutionalized as so many ‘minority’ studies programs and departments. While such institutionalizations are important forms of recognition, this all too often demands a sacrifice of self-determination on the part of those who work or study in such programs or departments and also risks the exploitation and normalization of those who continue to struggle outside of–or within and against–the institution.

By contrast, Italy’s trans*-feminist-queer movements have, for reasons clear to anyone with a knowledge of feminist and autonomous social movements more generally, remained largely outside the institutional space of the University. There are no degree granting feminist, women’s studies, queer or trans* studies programs or departments anywhere in Italy. Virtuous or not, this context is the basis from which Atlantide has created its practice and its theory. 

Altantide is a transnationally recognized point of reference for those trans*-feminist-queer scholars, activists, and networks who struggle to maintain an interdisciplinary approach to knowledge production alongside an intersectional approach to politics. Over the years, we have resisted and contrasted: Violence against women and trans* people; homophobia and homophobic violence; right-wing, pro-life, and anti-‘gender theory’ Catholic/Christian groups; The Israeli occupation of Palestine, pinkwashing, and homonationalism; neoliberalism, austerity and precarity.

We have also created, sustained, and theorized a variety of practical alternatives to such oppressions, often as part of inter-/trans-/anti-national networks. Our creative work has encompassed: Post-pornography and alternative kinship; grassroots welfare; a self-managed, community-based and de-medicalized approach to healthcare; providing space and support (and an audience!) for non-institutional artists, festivals, and cultural producers; a queer approach to anti-fascism and anti-racism; auto-production of published, digital and printed material, which forms the basis for a planned independent research/study center and archive. 

As trans*-feminist-queers and punks, many of us have lived evictions from our birth families, from ‘normality’ (luckily!), and from cities and towns overrun with right-wing politics and fascists. What makes us different is that we turned this displacement inside-out: We refused suffering, refused to be silent, refused to be isolated. Instead, we persist and insist; we exist and resist. We have traveled under many banners, but one reads: “Atlantide Deve Vivere,” Atlantide Must Live. In this moment of eviction, where we once again face erasure, we ask for your solidarity.

This will help to keep us afloat.

You can learn more about our projects and networks at:





Note: While we ask for the name of your Department or University, we understand that your signature is provided for identification purposes only and does not reflect institutional approval or support of the position in question.

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299 risposte a #AtlantideOvunque: Statement of Solidarity for the Evicted Trans*-Feminist-Queer-Punk Space | PLEASE SIGN IN THE COMMENTS | + Version FRANÇAISE + Versione ITALIANA

  1. Dorottya Redai scrive:

    Keep up the resistance!

    Department of Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest

  2. Sono con voi in the struggle
    Teresa de Lauretis, University of California, Santa Cruz

  3. Matthew Bakko scrive:

    In support from St. Louis, USA.

  4. Sophie Earls scrive:

    support from london

  5. Elia Vitturini scrive:

    Dottorando di ricerca, Università di Milano-Bicocca

  6. Teagan Yaussy scrive:

    Knox College, Galesburg Illinois, United States

  7. Laura Sonia Cejudo scrive:

    With force and energy from Mexico, you’re always gone be in my body.

  8. Il Caso S. scrive:

    Solidarietà ad Atlantide e a tutti gli spazi sotto attacco!

  9. luciano spinelli scrive:

    Resisti #atlantideovunque. #AboSex presente.

  10. Beppe Allegri scrive:

    Scusate il ritardo…

  11. Luca Greco scrive:

    Resistere, sempre.

  12. Aleksandra Rozalska scrive:

    With solidarity

  13. With great concern we learned about the recent eviction of Atlantide. Atlantide was one of the few autonomous spaces still left in Italy with a long-standing reputation, where political organisation around and education on trans*-feminist-queer and punk issues took place. For the Itialian and international radical movements the evicition of Atlantide is therefore a great loss.

    The University of Colour is a movement that emerged amidst the recent student uprisings in the Netherlands and at the University of Amsterdam in particular. We believe that education is a right of all, and that the neoliberal restructering of higher education endangers this right. Therefore we need to resist the neoliberal university. Furthermore, central to our politics is the vision that there is no such thing as the democratization of the university without decolonization. This means we understand the (neoliberal) university to be fundamentally engaged in colonialist practices by the way power structures within the university are currently organised, the content of the curricula and the imperialist and damaging practices the university is engaging in through its ties with a variety of global business.

    Therefore we work actively to dismantle damaging and oppressive structures at the university while envisioning and creating alternatives: a University Without Borders. We organise to make the university a safe space for all free from racism, sexism, classism, ableism, queerphobia, transphobia, colonialism and imperialist practices.

    The detrimental experiences of institutional oppression, social exclusion, austerity measurements and the willingness to actively create anti-oppresive spaces and education is what we recognize in Atlantide. Furthermore we acknowledge that trans* persons, feminists, queers and punks are amongst the most marginalized of today’s world. Not only for educational projects, but also for the bare survival of individuals suffering under oppression Atlantide, provided a much needed space to create and find a loving community. We, at the University of Colour, therefore express our deep solidarity with Atlantide’s struggle and encourage them to continue their important work in new and yet unknown ways.

    In solidarity,

    University of Colour

  14. francesco zanotelli scrive:

    Sempre meno spazi liberi sempre maggior bisogno di spazi libertari

    Francesco Zanotelli, ricercatore, Universita’ di Messina

  15. Tiago scrive:

    In solidarietà,

    Tiago Matos, editor Bytopia and PhD researcher at EUI, Firenze.

  16. Claudia Mattalucci scrive:

    Ricercatrice di antropologia culturale
    Università di Milano-Bicocca

  17. Edith Steyer scrive:

    It’s a great space, leave it where it is!

  18. Brunella Casalini scrive:

    Università di Firenze

  19. Rosanna Sestito EHESS Paris scrive:

    Sestito Rosanna Ehess

  20. Miriam Siebenstädt scrive:

    we need places like this! so, resist!

  21. Stella Veloce scrive:


  22. Valentina Pisanty scrive:

    Dipartimento di Lettere, Filosofia, Comunicazione, Università di Bergamo

  23. Gabriele Pallotti scrive:

    Atlantide propone vita, intelligenza, pensiero libero. Bologna e l’Italia hanno bisogno di questo: fare cultura significa promuovere alternative, lanciare sfide, non organizzare eventi pseudo-chic per borghesi tristi e annoiati. Davvero ipocrita sostenere che le leggi vanno applicate senza deroghe, da parte di un Partito e di una società sempre pronti a concedere ogni sorta di deroga a evasori, squadre di calcio, inquinatori, aziende, corporazioni e lobby varie. Per ora vergognatevi, ma ricordate: sarà una risata che vi seppellirà!
    Scrivo il 16 ottobre, compleanno di Alessandro Zijno, collega, amico e attivista di Atlantide scomparso tre anni fa. Una persona vivissima, un’intelligenza lucida, uno spirito libero, costruttivo e realmente alternativo, nella ricerca e nella politica. Sono persone come Alessandro e realtà come Atlantide che rendono il mondo migliore, che vivono per sempre e fanno apparire i muri e chi li costruisce miseramente ridicoli.
    Gabriele Pallotti, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

  24. Agustin Villalpando, Enkidu Magazine, Oslo, Norway

  25. Tobaron Waxman scrive:

    Tobaron Waxman
    Visiting Scholar, University of California, Berkeley

  26. klaus miser scrive:

    Atlantide ci appartiene !

  27. Vittoria Burattini scrive:

    solidarietà con Atlantide!

  28. Arianna Sala scrive:

    Dra. Arianna Sala, Consulente independente, Brasília

  29. giulia marconi scrive:

    Atlantide si tocca solo per godere!

  30. nicola marcucci scrive:


  31. Corina Haywood scrive:

    Solidarity with Atlantide!

  32. Marta Panighel scrive:


  33. PRAX-JACQUES Héloïse scrive:

    Héloïse PRAX-JACQUES, student (ARBA Bruxelles)

  34. shanna doolittle scrive:

    my band stls (from portland, oregon, usa) played an early evening show here not too long ago. we were able to also give free drum lessons before the show to any self-identified women. there was food for everyone, and the space was open to anyone who wanted to attend. it would be a shame to lose such a space that is so vibrant for the community.

  35. John-Erik Hansson scrive:

    In solidarity.

    John-Erik Hansson – EUI (Florence) – History.

  36. Cathy Hannabach scrive:

    In solidarity.

  37. Federica scrive:

    Atlantide ovunque perché tutt* siamo Atlantide: R/Esistere!
    Federica Rocco, Università degli Studi di Udine

  38. Hank Bobbit scrive:

    Atlantide is a crucial space in Bologna for international cultural encounters and alternative political discussion. To close it reflects on the close mindedness and short sightedness of local politicians: the international solidarity movement that will form as a result of this eviction will surpass the strenght that Atlantide had previously and expose Bologna across national borders as a deeply unequal city, that ignores the democratic rights of its citizens.

  39. Annalisa Canofari scrive:

    Massimo supporto e solidarietà per Atlantide!

  40. jean-marie gregoire scrive:

    Jean-Marie Gregoire, enseignant, Reims – France
    Atlantide Ovunque!

  41. Daniela Crocetti scrive:

    This collective space is a very important cultural reality for bologna and the world! Only a crazy government would leave occupied space to soccer hooligans (Ultras), and not to these important activists, artists and academics. In a national reality that does not have queer, gender, men’s or women’s studies departments at the university, atlantide provides something desperately needed by everyone, as well as solid punk concerts. Solidarity with Atlantide!

  42. Atlantide por siempre! Atlantide Resiste!

  43. Deborah Sielert scrive:

    Universität Kassel

  44. Boyan Manchev, Philosopher, New Bulgarian University, Sofia scrive:

    Solidarity to Atlantide!

  45. Francesca Topa Topini scrive:

    Solidarietà dall’università di Torino!
    Se Atlantide si tocca è solo per godere

  46. Chiara Bodini scrive:

    Per la salute di Bologna, Atlantide insisti!

  47. Girolamo De Michele scrive:

    Solidarietà ad Atlantide

  48. Rossella Ghigi scrive:

    Rossella Ghigi, Associate Professor, University of Bologna

    Atlantide ovunque!

  49. Celine puill scrive:

    master sociologie, sage femme (midwife) Paris

  50. S.Convens scrive:

    Atlantide ovunque!

  51. Johanna Mitterhofer scrive:

    Johanna Mitterhofer, Bolzano

  52. rebekka scrive:

    With solidarity from Brunnenstraße.

  53. Cinzia Costa scrive:

    #Atlantideovunque (anche a Palermo!)

  54. Valentina Bonifacio scrive:

    Valentina Bonifacio, Marie-Curie research fellow, The New School (New York) – Universita’ Ca’ Foscari (Venezia)

  55. Rosanna Sestito EHESS Paris scrive:


  56. Claire Mignerey scrive:

    Atlantide Ovunque!

  57. Giulia Palladini scrive:

    Kunsthochschule Berlin-Weißensee

    Solidarietà da Berlino! Atlantide ovunque!

  58. Ana Sánchez (Attivista Femminista) Madrid/Berlin scrive:

    Mi ricordo ancora quando ho vissuto a Bologna (15 anni fá), i cineforum in schermo tv…, nel piú piccolo centro sociale dove sono mai stata, grande Atlantide!
    Siamo ancora ovunque, Atlantide siamo tutte.

  59. Paul Brocart scrive:

    ENS de Lyon/Genere

  60. Alessandra Spano scrive:

    Università di Bologna

  61. Alessia Masini scrive:

    PhD candidate, Università di Macerata-Human Sciences
    soprattutto residente di Bologna.
    Con stima e affetto #Atlantideovunque

  62. Alice Niffoi scrive:

    Atlantide ovunque! solidarity from Brighton!


    In solidarity.

  64. Franziska Dahlmeier scrive:

    PhD candidate, University of Leicester, UK
    Sending solidarity, strength and love, you are an inspiration! <3

  65. Clara Casagrande scrive:

    Clara Casagrande

    Gender and Ethnicity Research Master’s student at Utrecht University, NL

  66. Ariane Temkine scrive:


  67. Periklis Papaloukas scrive:

    Periklis Papaloukas, PhD candidate, De Montfort University, Leicester

  68. Elisa Scaraggi scrive:

    PhD Student Universidade de Lisboa

  69. Carol Barreto scrive:

    Carol Barreto
    Designer de Moda
    Docente do Bacharelado em Estudos de Gênero e Diversidade – FFCH – UFBA
    Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre a Mulher – NEIM – UFBA
    Doutoranda no Programa Multidisciplinar de Pós-Graduação
    em Cultura e Sociedade – PosCultura – IHAC – UFBA

  70. Milica Minić scrive:

    Atlantide Ovunque!

  71. Alex Krasznay scrive:

    Stay strong!

  72. Suzanne Aurilio scrive:

    Dr. Suzanne Aurilio Centro Linguistico Ateneo, Università di Bologna

  73. Can Tiryakioglu scrive:


  74. Lia Bruna scrive:

    Atlantide ovunque!

  75. Martina Martignoni, University of Leicester (UK) scrive:

    Atlantide will live!

  76. Leila scrive:


  77. Alexandre Baril, Feminist and Gender Studies, University of Ottawa scrive:

    In solidarity!

  78. Paolo Savoia scrive:

    History of Science, Harvard University

  79. Filipa Alvim scrive:

    Social Sciences Institute (ICS, Lisbon, Portugal).

  80. Anna Carolina Horstmann Amorim scrive:

    Anna Amorim Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina-Brasil

  81. Graham Trim scrive:

    Graham Trim
    freelance translator

  82. Alfredo Mignini scrive:

    Il Caso S., Storie in Movimento.
    Dottorando in storia contemporanea (Università di Bologna)

  83. Liise Lehtsalu scrive:

    Liise Lehtsalu, PhD Candidate in History, Brown University (Providence, RI, USA).

  84. Anja Goldschmidt scrive:

    PhD researcher in Linguistics, Utrecht University

  85. Jessica Palmieri scrive:

    PhD resercher, DESE – Les Littératures de l’Europe Unie, LILEC Università di Bologna

  86. Dr Jimmy Turner scrive:

    Not only has a dear friend, colleague and comrade been evicted, but also a little more hope in all our battles to imagine and practice lives Otherwise.
    In love and solidarity.

  87. Dario Lovaglio scrive:


  88. Matilde Cazzola scrive:

    PhD candidate, University of Bologna

  89. Andrea Ghelfi, University of Leicester scrive:

    Forza favolose, abbiamo tutte bisogno di voi!

  90. Anna Carastathis scrive:

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, TRANSRIGHTS Project, Institute for Social Sciences, University of Lisbon

  91. Collectif MartinE scrive:

    collectif MartinE – Queer et féministe

  92. Rosa scrive:

    Rosa Gilbert, PhD Researcher, European University Institute, Florence

  93. Laurence Cox scrive:

    Dr Laurence Cox, Dept of Sociology, National University of Ireland Maynooth

    solidarieta’ e buona fortuna!

  94. Giulia Casalini scrive:

    Giulia Casalini, Curator and supporter of queer and feminist art worldwide with the on-going projects
    Archivio Queer Italia
    Deep Trash

    Solidarity from London – we will keep on resisting together!

  95. Cath Blanchette scrive:

    Cath Blanchette, Montréal, Canada

  96. Barbara Legault scrive:

    Solidarité et subversion!

  97. Annalisa Casini scrive:


    (Bologna è il luogo perfetto per fare in modo che dei gruppi come Atlantide possano esistere! Se bologna l* scaccia vuol dire che la sua anima sta morendo! )

    Prof. Annalisa Casini, Université catholique de Louvain & Sophia, Belgian gender study network

  98. Ilaria Bertazzi scrive:

    PhD Student, Università di Torino

  99. Minna Oksanen scrive:

    Minna Oksanen, University of Helsinki

  100. Phd candidate UAB
    Organizadora festival Muestra Marrana

  101. Emilie van heydoorn scrive:

    emilie, RMA gender & ethnicity, University of Utrecht!

  102. Giulia Garofalo Geymonat scrive:

    Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden

  103. Luca Pareschi scrive:

    docente @ GIOCA Universitá di Bologns / assegnista @ Ca’ Foscari Universitá di Venezua

  104. Thamy Ayouch scrive:

    Thamy Ayouch, Université Lille 3, Université Paris 7

  105. Adam scrive:

    Université Lille 3 – laboratoire Cecille.
    Militantisme: collectif MartinE

  106. Aurora Perego scrive:

    Atlantide r-esiste ed insiste!

    Research master student in ‘Gender and Ethnicity’, Utrecht University

  107. Susan Stryker scrive:

    Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Director of the Institute for LGBT Studies, University of Arizona, USA

  108. Vinicius Kauê Ferreira scrive:

    Long life for Atlantide.

  109. Matthijs Kuipers scrive:

    / European University Institute, Firenze

  110. Marco Assennato scrive:

    Atlantide Ovunque!

  111. Lia Viola scrive:

    Postdoctoral research fellow – University of Lisbon

  112. Paolo Testori scrive:

    Paolo Testori

  113. luca scrive:

    Docente di antropologia (Unibo). Non impoveriamo la città!!

  114. Viviana Vignola scrive:

    Tutt* con Atlantide!

  115. Irene Peano scrive:

    Irene Peano – Universita di Bologna

  116. Andrea Guazzotto scrive:

    Siete stati e sarete un faro nello squallore italico!

  117. Elisa Fiore scrive:

    Utrecht University, NL

  118. sara garbagnoli scrive:

    contro il pensiero straight! #atlantideovunque

  119. Stefano Boni, Università di Modena scrive:

    La censura avanza: hanno paura. Invertiamo la tendenza: sgombriamo e muriamo le istituzioni

  120. Mauro Meneghelli scrive:

    Atlantide is everywhere, Atlantide is a state of mind, Atlantide is a state of bodies, Atlantide is a movement of bodies.

  121. In solidarity — European university institute

  122. Nieves López, Università di Bologna

  123. Raffaele Laudani scrive:

    Associate professor – University of Bologna

  124. Eva Palazzetti scrive:


  125. roberta pompili scrive:

    Atlandide ovunque!
    Favolosi baci.

  126. Giovanna Zapperi scrive:

    Atlantide ovunque!

    Giovanna Zapperi, Paris

  127. Vittorio Sergi scrive:

    Sono con voi, vi hanno chiuso un posto, apritene altri dieci!

  128. Ivan Severi scrive:

    Antropologo, Storie in Movimento, Università Milano Statale

  129. Sabrina Marchetti scrive:

    Keep up the struggle!!! L’amore vince sempre!

    Sabrina Marchetti, Research Associate, European University Institute, Firenze

  130. Giacomo Pozzi, PhD in Antropologia Culturale, Università di Milano-Bicocca scrive:

    Atlantide atlantide atlantide!

  131. Anna Kordasiewicz scrive:

    University of Warsaw

  132. Paola Rudan scrive:

    Paola Rudan – assegnista di ricerca, Università di Bologna

  133. Francesca Decimo, Università di Trento scrive:


  134. martino sacchi scrive:

    atlantide ovunque

  135. Elena Zambelli, PhD candidate at the Centre for Gender Studies, SOAS, University of London scrive:


  136. Nadia breda scrive:

    Sostengo fortemente Atlantide. Coraggio … Sono con voi.

  137. Rosanna Sestito EHESS scrive:


  138. Giuseppe Bolotta scrive:


    Dr Giuseppe Bolotta, National University of Singapore

  139. Angela Molinari scrive:


  140. Ada Demaj scrive:

    Much love and solidarity for Atlantide. Ovunque e per sempre

  141. Simon Perry scrive:


  142. Beatrice Spallaccia scrive:

    PhD candidate in gender studies at Monash University (Melbourne) and University of Bologna

  143. jamila scrive:

    Jamila Mascat

  144. Jonathan Liebembuk scrive:

    In solidarity,

    Jonathan Liebembuk, PhD Candidate, Graduate Center, CUNY, New York, NY

  145. Chiara Neviani scrive:

    Atlantide ovunque!

  146. Sandro Mezzadra (Università di Bologna) scrive:

    Un abbraccio forte anche se temporaneamente da lontano!

  147. brina scrive:

    abbracci, piume, resistenza, paillettes e solidarietà da Tuba
    brina, barbara, kry, viola, sarah, elisa e veronica

  148. Silvia Sfligiotti scrive:


  149. Lana scrive:


  150. Jodi Greig scrive:

    Jodi Greig, Ph.D Candidate, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan

  151. Alessandra Mondin scrive:

    Alessandra Mondin, CRMCS, University of Sunderland, UK

  152. Roberta Sassatelli scrive:

    Back again we want you, above all tides

  153. Luca Salvi scrive:

    Luca Salvi, IDIHCS, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina

  154. Amparo LASEN scrive:

    Amparo Lasen, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, en solidaridad

  155. Novella De Giorgi, Bruxelles scrive:

    Ho vissuto 5 anni a Bologna prima di espatriare a Bruxelles. Atlantide era uno dei pochissimi spazi di vera socialità non mercificata rimasti a Bologna, un luogo aperto a tutt*, uno spazio in cui sentirsi liber* di esprimersi, di essere se stess*, uno spazio di confronto, di presa di coscienza, di resistenza, di lotta.. uno spazio fondamentale che non puo’ essere chiuso con un muro, uno spazio necessario che se negato diventa ancora più necessario e invade gli animi e poi le strade e la città e la rete internazionale.. alimentato dalla rabbia e dalla solidarietà di chiunque sostenga Atlantide, perchè Atlantide puo’ essere chiunque, Atlantide è ovunque !

  156. Naomi Madaras scrive:

    Undergraduate student, Guilford College, North Carolina USA

  157. Stefan Kipfer scrive:

    Stefan Kipfer, Associate Professor, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Toronto, Canada

  158. Catriona Sandilands scrive:

    In solidarity.

  159. Vasso Belia scrive:

    In solidarity.

  160. Goda Klumbyte scrive:

    Goda Klumbyte, Utrecht University

  161. Salome Chagelishvili scrive:


  162. Lorenzo Mari scrive:

    Lorenzo Mari, FMSH, Parigi

  163. Nicoletta Landi, PhD candidate at Bologna University scrive:

    Supporting Atlantide with love!

  164. Stefania Nardi scrive:


  165. Lorenzo Coccoli scrive:


  166. Erica Preli scrive:

    Atlantide Ovunque

  167. Nika Morisano scrive:

    University of Toronto
    In Solidarity!

  168. Gabriele Proglio scrive:

    In solidarity!

    Gabriele Proglio, Assistant Professor, University of Tunis ‘El Manar’ & Research Fellow, Department of History and Civilization, European University Institute (Florence)

  169. Ilaria M Mancosu scrive:

    Atlantide è ovunque. Chiunque voglia, è Atlantide

  170. vincenza scrive:

    Sempre con Atlantide

  171. Gaia Giuliani scrive:

    Love and Solidarity – without that place I wouldn’t be the person I’m am.

    Gaia Giuliani CES-Universidade de Coimbra PT

  172. Linda Blot scrive:

    Observatory of Paris, France

    Support and solidarity! #AtlantideOvunque

  173. Lana scrive:


  174. Amanda Di Battista scrive:

    Amanda Di Battista, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Canada

  175. Aimée Mitchell scrive:


  176. Aleks scrive:

    MA student, Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo, Norway. In solidarity!

  177. Cristina Cavallo scrive:

    Contro ogni fascismo, razzismo, sessimo.

    PhD Candidate in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, Università di Milano e Università di Torino

  178. Josh Carter scrive:

    Josh Carter- University of Melbourne

  179. Eleonora Cappuccilli scrive:

    Eleonora Cappuccilli – dottoranda in Politica, Istituzioni e Storia, Università di Bologna

  180. Lela Rekhviashvili scrive:

    Lela Rekhviashvili, PhD Candidate, Central European University

  181. Alex Ghit scrive:

    Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

  182. Barbara Froio scrive:

    Barbara Froio, Bologna

  183. Annabel van Baren scrive:

    Annabel van Baren, TIO University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands. NO EVICTION!

  184. Sarah Schulman scrive:

    I support you.

  185. Amaryllis Gacioppo scrive:

    Amaryllis Gacioppo, PhD Candidate in Arts/Creative Writing at Monash (Australia) and The University of Bologna (Italy)

  186. Lotte scrive:

    No eviction!

  187. Doris Arztmann, Vienna University, Austria scrive:

    Doris Arztmann, Vienna University, Austria

  188. Milica Trakilovic scrive:

    Milica Trakilovic – PhD student, Graduate Gender Programme, Utrecht University, the Netherlands & Department of History and Civilization, EUI, Florence, Italy. In solidarity.

  189. Rox Vasi scrive:

    solidarity. #AtlantideOvunque

  190. Lorenzo Bernini scrive:

    Lorenzo Bernini, researcher in Political Philosophy, University of Verona

    Atlantide is everywhere. It is a part of me. I am a part of Atlantide.

  191. Federico Floris scrive:

    PhD student in Chemistry, University of Warwick, UK

    Atlantide è una delle cose che ha reso la breve (triennale) esperienza a Bologna un pezzo del mio cuore. #AtlantideREsiste

    Atlantide is one of the things that made my short (three-year) experience in Bologna a piece of my heart.

  192. Evgeny Belyakov scrive:

    From Russia in solidarity!

  193. Margherita Scarano scrive:

    Ad Atlantide ho anche fatto parte del mio tirocinio! Luogo socialmente utile

  194. Nicola Riva scrive:

    Nicola Riva, Università degli Studi di Milano

  195. agnieszka scrive:

    in solidarity from berlin!!

  196. Anja scrive:


  197. Matteo Cavalleri scrive:

    Matteo Cavalleri

  198. Svenja Engels scrive:

    Svenja Engels, Graduate Gender Programme, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

  199. Elliot Lyons scrive:

    American University/Utrecht University/Tilburg University

  200. Karijn van den Berg scrive:

    Karijn van den Berg, Graduate Gender Programme, Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands.

  201. Heather Smith scrive:

    The College of Wooster
    Ohio, U.S.A.

  202. Barbara Mazzotti scrive:

    Con Atlantide sempre con #AtlantideOvunque


  203. Els Woudstra scrive:

    Els Woudstra, Graduate Gender Programme, Utrecht University, the Netherlands.

  204. Whitney Stark scrive:

    Whitney Stark
    Antioch University/Utrecht University/COST Action Network

  205. Kara scrive:

    Comic artist
    Haida Gwaii

  206. Gayle Salamon scrive:

    Gayle Salamon, Associate Professor of English and Gender and Sexuality Studies, Princeton University

  207. Luca Marinelli scrive:


  208. Nancy Kanary scrive:

    I will always be with you on spirit!
    Godspeed Atlantide

  209. Vick Virtu scrive:

    In solidarity. Noi r-esistiamo! You can take away our spaces but you will never take away our politics, our affects and our connections. We are a movement, and we’ll never rest. Power to the queers.

    Phd Candidate, Critical Management, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands.

  210. Gianni Rizzo scrive:

    Gianni Rizzo, Student, University of Bologna
    #AtlantideOvunque, Atlantide Comunque!

  211. Linda Sólveigar Guðmundsdóttir scrive:

    PhD candidate, School of Social Sciences, University of Iceland.

  212. Lindsay Weber scrive:

    Lindsay Weber, Graduate Gender Programme, Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands.

  213. Simona Casadei scrive:

    The butterfly effect: Atlantide is everywhere indeed

  214. Tiziana Terranova scrive:

    la follia che porta a voler omologare tutti gli spazi liberi e creativi a regole, norme, leggi che non rispondono alla realtà sociale che è molto più vitale…. che atlantide possa tornare presto a galla #atlantideeverywhere

  215. Francesca Martinez Tagliavia scrive:

    New York University

  216. Gianfranco Rebucini scrive:


  217. Marta Aleksandrowicz scrive:

    Marta Aleksandrowicz

    Power to Atlantide!!!
    Solidarity from New York!!!
    Smash Fascism, Smash Patriarchy!!!!

  218. Marco Tabacchini scrive:

    Solidarietà contro questo sgombero, solidarietà contro ogni sgombero.

  219. SA Smythe scrive:

    SA Smythe, Visiting Scholar at IMLR, University of London

  220. Monica Dall'Asta scrive:

    Università di Bologna
    Solidarietà ad Atlantide, luogo di produzione di sapere vivo

  221. Zach Rivers scrive:

    in solidarity!!

    zach rivers
    new york university, comparative lkterature

  222. alessandra gribaldo scrive:

    Alessandra Gribaldo, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

  223. angelo scrive:


  224. Earl Dax scrive:

    In solidarity!

  225. Andrea Prajerova scrive:

    RESIST!! Staying in solidarity. Love from Ottawa!

  226. markus schneider scrive:

    no, we will never ever go away
    we have the right to be free and we`re here to stay
    we will fight and resist – each and every day
    but we will never ever go away!
    solidarity from germany!

  227. emy scrive:

    every time you see a rainbow god is having gay sex.


  228. Emanuele Felice scrive:

    … io adesso vivo ad Atlantite
    con un cappello pieno di ricordi

  229. Theodore Kerr scrive:

    With love.

  230. Dany Carnassale scrive:

    Atlantide era uno spazio unico nel suo genere. Un posto per pensare, apprendere, cambiare, crescere. Un luogo animato da collettivi che, attraverso una passione viscerale per la politica, hanno finalmente dato un’identità ad un luogo abbandonato a se stesso. Bologna non può permettersi di perdere l’esperienza accumulata da Atlantide negli ultimi 17 anni. Ripensateci finché siete in tempo, altrimenti sarà AtlantideOvunque!

    Dany Carnassale
    PhD Candidate in Social Sciences
    University of Padova (Italy)

  231. Grazia Dicanio scrive:

    So it is better to speak remembering we were not supposed to survive.

  232. Deborah Ardilli scrive:

    Deborah Ardilli (Modena)

  233. Grazia Dicanio scrive:

    So it is better to speak remembering we were not supposed to survive. #Atlantide ovunque

  234. Roberta Granelli scrive:

    Anche qui in Messico #AtlantideOvunque

  235. Julieta Vartabedian scrive:

    All my support to Atlantide!!!

  236. Calogero Giametta scrive:

    Calogero Giametta, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille

  237. Federica Frabetti scrive:


  238. Naphtalie Jeanty scrive:

    In solidarity

  239. Gianmaria Colpani scrive:

    PhD candidate in Philosophy and Gender Studies, University of Verona (Italy) and Utrecht University (the Netherlands)

  240. Marcela Fuentes scrive:

    In solidarity.

  241. Deborah Detti, Università di Verona scrive:

    Atlantide resiste.

  242. Sara De Falco scrive:

    “Io vengo a restituirti un po’ del tuo terrore, del tuo disordine, del tuo rumore.”

  243. Cha Prieur scrive:

    université Paris-Sorbonne

  244. Michela Rea scrive:

    E’ un onore poter firmare sotto Judith Butler (e anche tutti gli altri)

  245. MÁIRA DE SOUZA NUNES scrive:

    Máira Nunes – Curitiba/Pr Brasil

  246. Alice Gangemi, estudiante erasmus en UPV/EHU, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Bilbao scrive:

    Atlantide ovunque!

  247. Ryan Tracy scrive:

    CUNY Graduate Center, NYC

    In solidarity with trans and queer feminist spaces, places, voices and bodies.

  248. Kristina Posilovic scrive:

    SUPPORT! Kristina Posilovic, Writer, Croatia

  249. Camilla de Concini scrive:

    #Atlantide ovunque

  250. Ivan scrive:

    Ivan Bujan
    Student in Performance Studies, Northwestern University, USA

  251. Ivan Bujan scrive:

    Student in Performance Studies, Northwestern University, USA

  252. Olivia Fiorilli scrive:


  253. Alessandra Panno scrive:

    Atlantide Ovunque!
    Alessandra Panno – master student in Women’s and Gender Studies GEMMA , University of Lodz/ University of Granada

  254. Sarah Schulman, Distinguished Professor of the Humanities, CUNY scrive:

    In support.

  255. Arev scrive:

    Armenia, Yerevan

  256. Judith Butler scrive:

    I support you and will spread the word. Continue the resistance!

  257. Judith Butler scrive:

    I support your resistance and will spread the word. Judith Butler

  258. Darren J. Patrick
    PhD Candidate
    York University
    Toronto, Ontario

    Io sto con #AtlantideOvunque per sempre! Spazio, non matrimonio!

  259. Coco scrive:


  260. Clark Pignedoli scrive:

    Dipartimento di sociologia e studi femministi, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal (QC), Canada

  261. solidarity with liberated space projects
    Red Wagon Collective/ Friends of Watkinson Park

  262. Francesco Scudellari scrive:

    Francesco Scudellari, istituto professionale statale Ernesta Stoppa, Lugo (Ravenna)

  263. Matilde Bondavalli, Master student in Women's and Gender Studies GEMMA scrive:


  264. Valeria Stabile scrive:


  265. Rosario Turrisi, fisico, ricercatore INFN scrive:

    Non sgomberi ma offerte di spazi

  266. Mattia Cavagna Máster Erasmus Mundus en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género en Europa scrive:


  267. Velia Minicozzi scrive:

    Velia Minicozzi, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy

  268. ilaria magariello scrive:


  269. Francesca Coin - Università Cà Foscari scrive:

    Irresistibile Atlantide amante ribelle

  270. Giulia Boresi scrive:

    Giulia Boresi, Bologna

  271. Yıldız Tar scrive:

    With solidarity

  272. Alessandro Ferretti - Dipartimento di Fisica - Università di Torino scrive:

    Atlantide must live!

  273. Luc Schicharin scrive:

    Luc Schicharin, PhD Candidate in Arts, University of Lorraine, France.

  274. Ilana Eloit scrive:

    Gender Institute, LSE

  275. Manuela Galetto, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick scrive:

    La politica fondata sul desiderio fa paura alla politica fondata sull’ipocrisia. Siete, date e fate cose favolose, Atlantideovunque

  276. Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier Lille 3 University scrive:

    Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier Lille 3 University

  277. Dina Cubric, Master student in Gender Studies of GEMMA Erasmus Mundus Program (University of Bologna, University of Lodz) scrive:

    FORZA!!!!!!!!!! Support from all of us not normal people!!!!!

  278. Dina Cubric, Master student in Gender Studies of GEMMA Erasmus Mundus Program (University of Bologna, University of Lodz) scrive:

    FORZA!!!!!!!!!!!! Support from all of us not normal creatures!!!!!!!!

  279. Marie-Hélène/Sam Bourcier Lille 3 University scrive:


  280. Jessica Lee scrive:

    Jessica Lee, York University, Toronto

  281. Giovanna Vingelli scrive:

    Giovanna Vingelli, Centro di Women’s Studies “Milly Villa” – Università della Calabria

  282. Karine Espineira, CNRS/Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis – LIRCES, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis.

  283. Margherita (Samuel) Romagnoni. Máster Erasmus Mundus en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género en Europa scrive:

    Atlantide Ovunque!

  284. Margherita (Samuel) Romagnoni. Máster Erasmus Mundus en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género en Europa scrive:


  285. Cecilia Brioni scrive:

    Cecilia Brioni, PhD candidate, University of Hull, UK

  286. Kayte Stokoe scrive:

    Kayte Stokoe, PhD Candidate, University of Warwick, UK

  287. Michela Baldo scrive:

    Michela Baldo, School of Modern Languages, University of Leicester

  288. Evren Savci scrive:

    Assistant Professor, Women and Gender Studies, SFSU

  289. Collettiva AutonoMIA Reggio Calabria scrive:

    Non ci “murerete”, Atlantide siamo tutt* noi!
    Atlantide è stata sgomberata e murata! Riferimento bolognese, e non solo, della cittadinanza gay, lesbica, trans, queer, femminista è, era non lo diremo mai, uno spazio autogestito dal 1999 luogo di un’elaborazione politica dal basso che accomuna soggettività diverse nelle pratiche del partire da sé e dalle sessualità, per strutturare una critica dell’esistente e lavorare per un mondo migliore, altro e possibile (citiamo).
    In piazza di Porta Santo Stefano 6, all’alba del 9 ottobre, la polizia ha effettuato uno sgombero in nome della “legalità”(?). Pesantissime le dichiarazioni del sindaco che parla di non cedere a pressioni di una fantomatica “lobby gay”…più o meno come quella del “gender”.
    Come femministe e come “Collettiva” indipendente esprimiamo la nostra vicinanza e solidarietà al Collettivo di Atlantide “sbattuto fuori” dopo una lunga stagione di lotte e di occupazione. A tutte quelle realtà che fanno un lavoro politico e sociale importante opposto alle privatizzazioni tanto care a questo regime contrario agli spazi liberi e autogestiti ma che non riusciranno a trasformare in ciò che non vogliono essere: servi di chi può garantire soldi pubblici e convenzioni.
    Atlantide deborderà invadendo non solo Bologna, non cancellerete questa esperienza che è in relazione con una miriade di altre realtà libere. …la resistenza continuerà.
    Ricordate: Atlantide sarà ovunque!

  290. Luciana Bova Vespro scrive:


  291. Federico Zappino scrive:

    Federico Zappino

  292. Marianna Szczygielska scrive:

    PhD Candidate in Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest

  293. Nina Ferrante, centro studi postcoloniali e di genere, Università l'Orientale, Napoli scrive:

    Senza questa casa sentiremo tutt* troppo freddo.

  294. Rachele Borghi, Université Sorbonne Paris IV, ENeC scrive:

    Rachele Borghi, Université Sorbonne Paris IV, ENeC

  295. Serena Bassi scrive:

    Dr Serena Bassi, School of Modern Languages, University of Cardiff, UK

I commenti sono chiusi.